Friday, July 31, 2009

I think th saying "hurt your pride" was actually devised cos it's pretty literal.
It can hurt alot.


People don't believe me when I say I'm happy an hour after I say I'm sad.
So I think I better not tell anyone I'm sad. -P

My iPod almost hung on me today.
I was almost freaking out.
The missing link, hole in my life.
If all else fails.
you shouldn't.
But will I understand if you do?

... Maybe.

"Step outside these walls"

Thursday, July 30, 2009


I'm failing everyone.
I'm failing myself.

"Every time that I fall,
Every time that I cry,
Every mind has a fault
Every mind has a time,
I gotta keep moving on,
cos I'm built to survive
but sometimes I wonder ...

...if it's worth it to try"

I'm sorry world.
I just didn't smile enough for you.
I just didn't stretch humor enough for you.
I couldn't be there for you.

"The world can be such a selfish place sometimes,
It's a man-eat-man thing.
Nobody truly cares.
Everything's just so...
superficial." - Message sent at 0030hrs 30th July 2009.
I was asleep while this person reflected.

So was sleep more important?

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

To sleep. Blatant disregard.
In appearance.

Yet, I can name cathode and anode.
I can name electroplating and simple circuits.
One chem lesson.

Just one boy sleeping by the front.
Yet listening somehow, possibly more attentively than anyone else.
What does that make the sleeping boy?
The one irritated by the noise.
The one who filters conversation.
The one who thinks what should matter is the content.
The one who believes what shouldn't matter is who.

Yet his attitude contradicts.

Is he out to please himself?
Is he out to please the world?

... or maybe he's deciding maybe the only thing that can please.
Is usually the unattainable.

"Hate is a strong word.
But I really really don't like you."

Maybe it's just exhaustion.
But my body doesn't seem to want to rest.
Even my appetite's getting screwed.
Imagine that.

Happy: Music's still being amazing to me.
Bad: I'm slowly turning it up... to shut everything out.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Am I really shutting you out?
Am I really shutting the world out?

"What kind of encouragement would you like to receive, and from who?" - Ms Shen
"I'd like a happier world." - Ismail

If only huh.
If only people did appreciate the finer details.
If only people remembered all they're thankful.

I do for all of you,
I'm sorry if it seems...


I'm leaving some people out.
I didn't mean it.
I really hope you'll all be all smiles someday. =)

"If only everyone was like you,
the world would be a happier place,
like Michael Jackson dreamed it'd be"

Monday, July 27, 2009

Neither here nor there,
Where do I stand then.

Like a slideshow,
phasing in,
phasing out.

It's like I'm back to square one.
All over again.

By now I should have somehow realized,
I gotta do what i gotta do.

I'm at a standstill.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

I don't wanna be any thing other than what I'm trying to be...

Does it reject the world or does the world reject it?

Is it your right to judge or are you merely to sit back and watch.

Giving only becomes tiring...
when all you've given has been in vain.

-tears for th world,
tears for th loved,
tears for everyone but yourself.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Water a seed,
it turns into a flower.

Now, What if the flower becomes a stone?
Is the gardener at fault,
or was it the flower.

Whose heart aches the most then?

Posing questions within the isolation of the mind.

Monday, July 6, 2009


Let's take a 1ooo facebook quizzes about me,
and find out who I really am.

Let's take my memories and play it in the cinema,
and find out what I really did.

Let's put me in everyone's shoes,
and find out what I'd really think.

If half of me says X,
and half of me says Y.
Can it really produce XY in perfect harmony.
Or just an error?

The undefinable.

Smail Always,
Ismail Zainal =)

I don't want to lose another.
I'll take care of you.

Even if you don't like me.
She could have got along well with you.