Wednesday, August 15, 2007

I decided to say smth again =)

Tag reps:
Shi Li - yar. Serves 2 btw, not a whole 5man NC =P

SB - Got prob, it disrupts my blog load, working on it. =)

Charis - Yeahh... I alwaes plae my permanent lv 10 one xDD

KL- Hullo =DD

Stasha - I am a strange person, leading a strange life. But you better rmb my face, next world revolutionist xDD

yamato - Dream gall xDD LOL. Another time =P

Haha, im now officially going to write one sentence one line.
this WILL be harder to read, but it peaces me out. =P

Anyway, had a pretty boring life. Playing audi, watching Hellsing again. Studying.
Got back all my tests. PASSED. Whoo! *jumps in delight, points middle finger to Philadelphia*
Sorry, I know I sound dam kb, backstabbing and bad, but you wont know how much I hate it.

And I browsed Yamato's blog. Great summary of what I do in class.
And I'm supposed to be on the road to being guai xD
Today Mdm Pok saw my phone like 3 times, never confiscate. What a nice lady. =)
Quite dumb la. I tell you the conversations.

"HUH?! What msges, i want to read. *snickers* - Mdm Pok
"NO NO WAIT... *looks inside my bag* AAHHH, KK Found it!" - V
"Found what? *gives the hehehe kind of face* - Mdm Pok
"Err Nthn! Hehe, I mean my powder!" *takes out powder i took from toilet*

Oh Shit, bad move, soon they took the powder.
Powder prints on my Table, books and my butt, and my leg. Wth? =.= Ps la.

oyah! BTW! I AM NOT GAY!
Act act ler.. but i realli look sick xD

Smail Alwaes,
And never tell your teacher you brought a phone
Smail Alwaes,
and try not to di xiao your table partner
Smail Alwaes,
and know that some of us aren't tt gay as u think =PP

Vee. =)

Friday, August 10, 2007


Tag replies:

Adam: yahh... i sound like a freak xDD

James: my linkies got prob, ur blog veri nice btw xD

Cris: HULLO!! Lolx xD

Lucas: no, this is not e philosophical post.

nat Day celebs were quite nice, everybody quite high
Joel and I treated it like a rock concert. haha xDD
This is WHERE I BELONG!!!! (starts the mad jumping rock on signing)
Self-ecstacy. its a nice traIt =P

The treat just ate this funny baked rice at swensens
Its like u put lasagna on top of white rice.
The Top layer tasted like lasagna
The rice tasted like hot, white rice.
Really, i think the ice-cream was better
Earthquake. Well, beats a fondue for 2 anytime =D

Then they wanted watch movie, in the end dont know wad happen.
They played snooker. I seriously was like, can play snooker meh?
Then Staff Ling was "We are alredy 16."
Omg I feel dam young. And moustacheless xDD
Blur. Lol.

The next dae was supposed go watch movie wit Stuart.
In the end he didnt.
So went out with another person.
Lazy queue at theatre. =.='' (really dam long la walau, wait foreva one)
So go pcbunk. Quite bo liao la.
But when u just feel like sittign down its a nice place.
Just sit on one sofa. Watch her plae audi.
Or i plae myself.
plae blur blur one.
Then wahh, got this pri sch girl, play 8k like nobody business.
I hate it. My fingers too twitchy for 8k xDD

On my way home took a Mac-Coffee.
I so ps la. It looked like icecream.
So i didnt noe wad to call it.
I called it the coffee icecream.
they guy was like "no, its not an icecream".
No! I meant tt coffee creamy thing.
Then he told me, its whipped cream
Yes. Tt's the word i was looking for =.=

Then slept veri late, coffee fault la.
Wake up, today nv do antthn lor,
cept plae audi agn. Sms alot.
Quite sian. my cough got worse la,
want go out also no heart. =/

Anyway realli sorry
I seem like im talking crap
Incomprehesible English.
But i think as i write
So yar. See how messy i am =X

Smail alwes,
Ismail =)

Tuesday, August 7, 2007


Tag replies:
KL- yeahh, lol, seriousli no relation to pads

Siew Beng - Nice tt u agree xD

Stasha - Alright alright for sophisticated chimology's sake, ill try xD

Lucas - I'll take it up soon =PP

lolx, nv blog, yeah. Busy mahh...
Anyway a few ans to the msn tag qn

Why my english so hard understand?
I think write at the same time. So you can realli see how disorganised I am.
So as i think my crap i write the crap.
Haha, nvm la, i'll make an effort to refine it soon enough.

Next. No more lectures ar?
I did lectures in Pri Sch. Enough,
its seriously quite draining having to give ur opinion on
"serious matters."
Lets talk abt random crap, easier.

Anyway was still sleeping in class,
sorry Lucas, I'm trying not to,
but its seriousli like im drugged or something,
i think the auntie spiked my soya bean with some sleeping drug xD
20 cents lei, what u expect. =P

quite sian la,
nthn observed, nthn written.
just happy the holidae's have finally come.
Anyway going Seoul tomorrow,
I shall wear SINGAPORE COLORS!!!
Whoo!! Get into the pre-patriotic spirit ppl,
red white on wed, 8th August.
Mix the two for pink for National Day. xDD
Lalala , this is home... truly!!!
As my senses tell me...this is where...
I know...
BELONG!!!!! (zhao sia)

nvm, talk abt the shave,
its dam disgusting la,
make me look like some alien
like i shave moustache i lose 10yrs of age
look like a pathetic small kid
ew. Major EW.
Sian, i miss it alreadi, =/

Haha, well, it'll grow back (i hope), and
have a nice nat dae hols people,
Smail alwaes, =D

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Sick Again =,=

Tag replies:
Jia Min - Thx alot =DD

Stasha - haha xDD, cant make chimology out of tt huh? it was hung on the seat behind mii lolx....

Shi Li - Sorry, you were closest. ew. Hha xDD

Adam - Thx, *AC3™ smail* hehex =PP

Yeahh, sick again,
emo again? Haha xDD
I cant understand u ppl and the emo concept la
I just tried to smail,
lolx, so just sleep lor.
Almost one whole dae sleep.

Then at the clinic. i too busy building blocks,
miss my number. wth waste time =,=
Haha xDD

Went home, eat medicine, sleep like wad
then sleep. Lazy bum.
MT homework lost. Die...
She sure *%$&%$ kind of angry la. Sianz.

Then Dad comes home late,
plae Audi lor,
Baby I will wait for you...
If u think I'm fine It just aint true....
Blog song, random singing agn. xD
lolx, blur like wad. Headaches and all,
see arrows also blur blur.
hahax, btw was discussing twits there.
yes twits are despicable,
detestable, gross. Simply EW. =@

What are twits... Find them in the speech structures of:

i LurBb Euu DaRliiNx 4 eva <33>
Tons and tons of ^^V (with the v included)
Plss DunN Doo DisS t0 Mii, Euu Makee Mii Criie
Applies to bois, pls dun write liddat,
its just icky. xDD

So Cya, no words of wisdom, too tired =X
Ismail Vee

P.S My Msn Nick "Whisperer" Has no relation to the sanitary pads u sick fools =PP