Been busy, sick, and well.
to be honest, a little lazy. Hehe x)
Well, I'll just start off with Plaza Sing.
Went there last... err. Sunday I think. Or Saturday,
with Poh and Kira.
haha, they're funny people lahh.
And out of the few things that you can find at Plaza Sing.
A Mentos Machine was what happened to take first interest.
And they still felt a need to play it x)
Sturt couldn't come, and we ate at KFC. *Yum?*
And watched the House Bunny.
Its quite a funny movie lah,
but well. you generally can predict what's gonna happen.
But well, sheer stupidity can help with the laughter x)
Although there are some disturbing images.
*A pregnant woman doesn't wear a bikini and dance to tribal music while letting people stroke the stomach the size of a Beach Ball. Gosh.*
*Stripping naked after a bath and having nothing against the idea*
*Going jogging and having your spine brace fall off*
Then we explored other shops.
Plaza Sing changed alot.
Their toy shop was cool. Every thing which has a fan base,
has a toy. Star Wars, LOTR, etc. And all selling for hundreds of bucks.
A little toy can cost u round 80 bucks.
A Big helmet... maybe 500-1800 bucks.
Oh, and then there was this life sized Darth Vader.
Like, really life sized. He was taller than me.
Going for 2500.
When I become rich, he's gonna be at my doorstep x)
Did more stuff, talked loads of crap.
then train-ed home =D

Okay, just a picture I thought was interesting.
Life's a blur x)

I was hoping to take a very slack walk,
but typical Singaporeans love to rush ._.'

Random picture. Everyone was heading the opposite direction.
Btw, why aren't they walking?
Cos there's definitely one idiot who decided not to =]


Maybe one day I'll just stomp the lot of you as I walk out.

Kira paid 2 bucks. Got 5 small mentos packets.
Wow... that was awesome.
Person at the back - Poh

Compare above and below pictures.
I see similarity xD

So I am gonna do that with a couple of men one day.
We'll be known as the Desperate Schoolboys.
Also had Rock Climbing on Monday.
Gosh, tiring sia.
Managed to scale one wall at least. x)
Had more fun in the bus though,
busing all the way to Yishun.
Sleeping, Music, Crapping.
Half the class Pon.
Pon-stars x)
I was late that day too.
Dam sway, come school, VP at the Porch.
He made sure i stood below the hump *he asked me to step down*
And he stood on it. *He stepped up*
And he looked down and nagged about me being late on a day.
Not like i missed a lesson.
Not like I'm gonna hurt somebody.
And right now, I just...
Can't be bothered. x.x

It was a couple of storys tall o.o
I couldnt get the tall effect much.
But it was tall.

The weird stuff I do on the bus x)

Wow, do you happen to be climbing rocks in there too?
Out of all the times to play a DS. Addict. x)

A pathetic chop on my hand for being late.
Lame. ._.
Soon after, had to go to GONGSHANG PRIMARY to promote my school.
Wow, awesome.
Gave out flyers and magnets.
While other schools had like, Plastic Bags?
And our booth was popular =DD
*You need someone like Zhe Ming to just grab and drag the whole lot of them to the booth and let the Booth people talk on and on and on*
Its quite crap most of the time though,
more secondary school people walking around than primary school pupils.
They walk in class by class.
But they are cute x)
*Smail and Wendy walks over*
*Little boy just dashes away like a mouse*
haha, got another little girl calling me Police and then saluting.
In what way does white and black resemble police? xD
And LZM was damn bad.
He stole another school's refreshment bread.
From one full table to around 4 buns left ._.
And their toilet is so dam dam short. x)
More secondary school pupils walking around.
This is how tall their urinal is compared to my height.
And their sink is also of a suitable height.
Hmm, then had Urban trail.
pretty fun lah,
watching them do station by station at one of the most awesome places in Singapore.
Raffles Place x)
You sit by the river and stone wit an mp3.
Nice leh x)
And the bus ride home was damn hilarious.
Censored, but damn funny.
Oh, then a fella was singing Fall for you over the phone.
Eventualli he reached...
Shamir: A girl like you is impossible to find...
The light at the end of th tunnel? x)
Singapore has really tall buildings.
And short schools ._.
Sham broke this while posing for a picture.
LOL, didnt hav to pay, restaurant manager was kind enough x)
But it's idiotic lahh putting glass vases on the stairs ._.
Then last day of school.
Had a dam sway daidi day.
Win one lose 3.
Even with House of 2 can lose ._______.
Dun try to fight people from China on Daidi.
Scary sia.
Then Mdm Ho came in tried to learn Daidi.
Dam funny can, she thought it was magic.
When she realised it wasnt magic,
she thought it was played like Uno.
I'll put the questions she asked later.
First time I see teacher play xD
And she won. Hehe x)
Then we had IPP.
Well, everyone else started crawling on the tables pasting trashbags.
I was the noble one. Hehe.
I borrowed the IPP box and alot of tables, a broken chair,
And masking tape. and eventually realised it was too short.
So we borrowed umbrellas to compensate.
We didnt wanna stack tables to create the great wall of China ._.
And yeah, toilet made by quarter the class =D
Dam funny lah, other class one dustbin.
Ours a bit more high tech xD
And we tore it down faster then we put it up.

Toilet bowl done in first 5min =]

And its seriously concealed. Enough privacy.
And dirty looking.
quite a numebr of singapore toilets are anyways x)

Its clearly more comfortable than a freaking dustbin ._.

"So how to play this game, like UNO is it? Same number?"

She had 5 cards somewhere. Can't remember much.
She thought its one by one. Hehehe x)

She fits in.
Welcome to the joy of post exam daidi cher. =]
Took back results.
Okay lah,
but was totally sianned today.
DM wants to cut my hair.
Fringe eye level wanna cut.
SO. WHAT?!jhgjgh
Meet Ismail Bin Zainal.
By extension : Ismail Bin [Zainal the principal]
By extension: Ismail Vin [Zainal the principal who was once a DM]
By extension: Ismail Bin Zainal, the principal who was once a DM's son.
By extension: Ismail Bin Zainal the principal who was once a DM's son who isn't living up to people's expectations.
By extension: Ismail Bin Zainal the principal who was once a DM's son who isn't living up to people's expectations and shouldnt be treated like a normal boy.
By extension: Ismail Bin Zainal the principal who was once a DM's son who isn't living up to people's expectations and shouldnt be treated like a normal boy and GIVEN SOME FUCKING SLACK DURING THE HOLIDAYS.
and why.
Cos I'm Ismail Bin Zainal.
Sorry for blowing up.
Alot of things on my mind.
Is when things about me,
or the people I care about,
are hidden from me.
I just...
And this little box,
goes to you.
Thanks for well,
making my day.
Sorry for asking the other day.
But well, I wasn't in the best of states.
Thanks for... comforting me? I've run out of vocabulary x)
I'm still here if you ever need me,
and whenever you need me,
the immediate warm hug,
is guaranteed, with a lifetime warranty =P
Found this awesome song somewhere.
Shontelle - T-Shirt
Nothing feels right when im not with you
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